Magyar English 日本語


Created on 18 November 2016

Due to ITware’s successful entry into the Japanese market, ITware is now published on the EU Japan centers website! The case study that was published explains why we have chosen to do business in Japan, the steps we have taken, challenges we have faced, and the next steps to be taken. However, in order to view the case study, you have to be a member of the Japanese centers website, therefore we have decided to post the case study here as well for our viewers to see.



Created on 04 November 2016

A wood processing company’s employee woke up to a surprise in late September. As his usual daily routine he wanted to travel to work with his company car. Arriving at the place where he parked the car the previous evening, he was stunned to realize the vehicle was nowhere to be found. It was shocking for him to discover that such a thing can actually happen to him. Instead of idling, he decided to act. He knew the vehicle – deep inside its body - was installed with FLEETware vehicle tracking service, so his first order of business was to check on the online interface where the car is at the moment.



Created on 19 October 2016

What Is Test Automation?


Automated testing has been around for many years, in order to develop software, you need to test your products, yet every delivered software always has defects. Using manual testing, test engineers will attempt to detect these defects, however they frequently creep in and reappear. You can use the best manual testing processes and still run into these problems. Test automation is the process of utilizing software tools to execute pre-made test scripts to complete various tasks on a software application. The ultimate goal of test automation is to minimize the amount of effort required for manual testing. Test automation increases efficiency, coverage and the effectiveness of your software testing, while also improving the quality of your product.


Created on 23 August 2016

Choosing a cloud based platform is a common struggle for many users, as there are many factors to consider. In this article we will compare and contrast two of the most popular cloud based platforms, Amazon Web Services and OpenStack, in order to assist individuals on making the decision that best suits their needs. We will also share the reasons for our company’s choice in cloud providers, as well as how we use these services.


Created on 16 August 2016

At ITware we continuously strive to deliver top quality solutions for our customers. Our Continuous Integration (CI) solutions cover all the main required steps such as static code inspection with Sonar, automated unit integration, functional testing, and automatic Docker image creation. We use continuous integration for many of our customers including global video streaming companies as well as telecommunications companies. Our CI process ensures low complexity, high level of quality assurance, rapid development and automatic deployment.


Created on 15 July 2016

What is container technology?


Container technology has been rapidly gaining popularity and is becoming one of the fastest growing technology trends in this decade. This technology has existed since the eighties, however, it has only started gaining popularity in the last few years. The reason for this is that a whole ecosystem has been built around it, it has been standardized, and made easy to use.


Created on 30 June 2016

Microservices originally came about for the purpose of helping developers solve frustrations toward large applications that require cycle changes to be tied together. In a monolithic service oriented architecture, any minor change meant that the entire monolith would need to be rebuilt, therefore causing rebuilds to happen often. Unlike the monolithic approach, a microservice architecture approach allows each microservice to run a unique process and usually manages its own database. This provides development teams with the opportunity to use a more decentralized approach for building software as well as allowing each service to be managed independently.


Created on 06 May 2016

ITware kindly invites you to the Japan IT Week Spring 2016 exhibition, the most prestigious Japanese IT tradeshow with more than 1.470 exhibitors, organized in Tokyo between 11 and 13 of May where our company will participate as an exhibitor.




Created on 20 October 2015

MEET US AT ITweek Autumn 2015!

After last year’s success we exhibit again at ITweek!

We were glad to experience high interest in our booth during last year’s exhibition. This year we create another chance to meet our crew at the 1st IoT/M2M Expo Autumn.


Created on 23 September 2015
The rushing red jewel of software development

The Ruby on Rails, or simply Rails web application framework created by David Heinemeier Hansson was originally released in 2004. In the past more than a decade it became very popular thanks to the ‘Don’t repeat yourself’ and the ‘Convention over Configuration’ principles just to mention a few of its advantages.