- Created on 04 November 2016
A wood processing company’s employee woke up to a surprise in late September. As his usual daily routine he wanted to travel to work with his company car. Arriving at the place where he parked the car the previous evening, he was stunned to realize the vehicle was nowhere to be found. It was shocking for him to discover that such a thing can actually happen to him. Instead of idling, he decided to act. He knew the vehicle – deep inside its body - was installed with FLEETware vehicle tracking service, so his first order of business was to check on the online interface where the car is at the moment.
He managed to locate it on the map found all the data since last evening. He was able to replay what happened, when the car was stolen and where it wend, and most importantly where it was at the moment. Only then did he dial the police and – thanks to FLEETware – managed to relay all the important information to them. After processing the data, the police rode to the vehicle’s current position, meanwhile asking for exact directions from the employee. Since our tracking devices have a 5 meter accuracy, the police could pinpoint the exact garage, in which the vehicle should be.
After entering the garage, the police caught a whole group of people red-handed busying themselves with multiple stolen vehicles, including the employee’s car. It was a lucky day for the police, as instead of a lone car thief, they actually caught a ring of thieves and a number of stolen vehicles, which are now awaiting their owners at the police. The authorities were thankful for the great help FLEETware provided to solve this case in such a short amount of time.