Obtain and keep clients with a self-service web portal. With the help of Web Self Care you can simplify your customer service procedures while relieving your colleagues and granting your clients an online customer service option.
Lower your expenses and take care of your clients!
Instead of a costly, manpower-based customer service now you can provide a more complete range of services to your partners for less. Invest in the future and see how economical it is when clients are working for you!
With ITware's solution you can set your customer service on new foundations.
Most companies need a modern online system serving their customers' wide-ranging needs. That is what Web Self Care offers. The application of ITware, – the IT "solution supplier" of Hungary with 10 years of experience – performs outstandingly even during high traffic times, ensuring significant cost saving and the optimization of business processes.
Web Self Care is a completely customizable online customer service system that is able to perform basic client handling functions hence it relieves the existing customer service from performing routine tasks. Since it is an online system, it offers convenient and flexible service, providing instant problem solving anywhere, anytime. The integrated surface shows a clear overview of accounts, e.g. outstanding invoices, also drawing attention to amounts that might be overdue, making the receipt of those quicker as well.
What can Web Self Care do? Web Self Care has a module system easily adjustable to the business needs of the user, and it can be extended. It provides an opportunity for:
- integration of separated self-service surfaces,
- increasing the efficiency of customer service processes,
- mapping processes that can be automated and
implementing of such, - replacing manual functions in case of corporate services,
- integration of web shop-like solutions,
- using a central authentication solution.
Integrated portal surface
Single Sign-On (SSO)
The single sign-on is a mechanism whereby a single action of authentication permits the user to enter a system and gain access to all of its resources and services without any further authentication.
Customer service center, information page
The main page of the Web Self Care system is an integrated surface where customers get an answer to all their questions regarding the portal and the services. Services like the Web Shop, the Online Customer Service or other trade-specific systems such as "Internet Banking", overview of current accounts or in case of telecommunications companies, the online opportunity to switch mobile services on and off – are easily accessible.
Web Self Care helps you decrease the human resource needs since the system facilitates unification of different web shops; individual pricing for the clients and the setting of individual ordering parameters. Furthermore, granting of approvals that are automatic or on parameterizable conditions, or sending warnings in case of outstanding amounts is also possible.
Customer Service functions
The system facilitates the customizing of customer data helping the efficient work. Form based customer service functions, such as error reports, overdue amounts handling, payments, customer accounts overview, detailed invoice data, fee calculator, indicative inquiries, online contracts or loan calculators can be created.
Customer Service chat
Reaching the customer service center via chat suits the challenges of our time allowing for a modern and trendy service. With its help you can address several inquiries at once, in a way that saves you money and time.
Trade-specific systems
Certain company- and trade-specific solutions facilitate the integration of customizable and unique solutions. These solutions always answer to real needs, whether it be utility providers, telecommunications companies or members the banking sector. Therefore Web Self Care possesses the efficiency of individually developed systems.
Integration technology
Web Self Care's solution is based on SOA, which uses standard tools to create a link between certain applications, therefore it forms an easily maintainable, transparent architecture. The applications can take full advantage of the knowledge that lies in the other applications; they can integrate into one another regardless of their form of execution.