- Created on 25 July 2017
ITware has been to Japan again to expand its customer base and to demonstrate the reputation of the Hungarian software development with new solutions. The aim of the trip was to prepare the market entry of FLEETWARE Vehicle Tracking Service in Japan. The most important task was to find the right partner for launching the Japanese FLEETware service based on our successful Japanese pilot.
The negotiations were successfully completed, we are cooperating with a large Japanese company laying down the foundations of an agreement. The first level is testing FLEETware on 3G, 4G and LTE networks throughout the country. Furthermore, two large freight forwarding companies are testing the service and after a successful pilot, they could be the first customers of the Japanese FLEETware.
Beside FLEETware we have successfully presented our unique software development expertise in several meetings to representatives of large Japanese companies such as telco giant SoftBank and the well-known Fujitsu’s pioneering cloud technologies division. We always put special emphasis on visiting our clients and building further relationships where we have agreed with our ongoing project on the status of our cloud development and the possibilities of further Japanese mobile applications.
Besides the work we also represented Hungary, therefore, we visited the Okuizumo region where we talked with the mayor and the board of the mayor about the cooperation possibilities during a pleasant meeting and a dinner. We held two presentations in the local schools where we introduced Hungary to the Japanese children and they fascinated us with their incredible mathematical skills and their perfectly developed Soroban use.
ITware is still committed to maintain its stable presence and to further strengthen its business potential on the Japanese market.