- Created on 02 June 2014
MKB-MVM Veszprém KC mobile app with APPaware technology
APPaware starts to rise: The newest Business App made with APPaware is now available in Google Play. The App was created for the famous handball team of Veszprém, with the sponsorship of Telekom:
Some screenshots from the App:
On the first week there were more than a thousand downloads, and the rating of the App is currently 4,9.
How to download the App:
For an Android device from Google Play: | For iPhone from AppStore: |
If you can not read the QR codes above, you may use these direct links below to downlod the Apps:
From Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appaware.mkbmvmveszprem
From AppStore: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/veszprem-kc/id879485016?mt=8
If you would like to get more information about the APPaware mobile APP Editor platform, please visit APPaware’s website: