- Created on 30 April 2014
For ITware it was always important to support the new professional rising generation of IT experts, who will play a large part in the success of future projects and in the shaping of the future Hungarian information technology society. ITware (as a Platinum level sponsor of the competition) was represented by Gabor Hajdu Development Manager and Attila Biro Project Manager on the INFOmaraton 2014 – 24-hours information technology competition program in Debrecen, where they also supported the professional work during the event.
The winner team was from the local institution, Andras Mechwart Machine Industry and Information Technology Technical College, where the 24-hour competition took place from Friday evening until Saturday evening and where 20 3-membered teams had participated from all region of the country.
The exercise of the competition was to plan and build the whole information technology network of a virtual bank. This quite complex task had to be completed in 24 hours. The participants had not just gave account of their information technology skills but they had to show how they can manage time, if they can work in a team, how they communicate to each other, how they document the process of the project and if they ask for additional technical experts. The first prize was a trip to an IT Congress in Las Vegas. The further prized participants won value IT devices, for example laptops and monitors.
We can not leave without a word about the professionally organized competition and the outstanding professional coaching: this is an exquisite endeavour which can become a standard. We must learn from it, take ideas out of it because it is essential to have similar events and professional work in order to keep the competitiveness of Hungarian IT competence, and in order to improve quality of the IT employee market.
'We experienced with joy during the 24-hours competition that the young generation - besides their outstanding profession skills – has a very mature thinking; they organise, plan and represent their work, they handle their actual problems and conflicts professionally, even in such extreme circumstances as this competition. The key of the success is the outstanding teamwork, time-management, organizing skills, just as in the real life. I believe that these teams are ready for the real life where they can use their knowledge, the IT society needs such colleagues.” – said Gabor Hajdu in his speech addressed to the students.
ITware – besides the platinum-level sponsoring – also rewarded the team whose work was the most project-like: especially considering time- and task-management, presentation, problem-solving and conflict-handling skills, which are as essential as technical knowledge both in the competition and in real life.
Congratulations for taking part and for the great achievements!