- Created on 08 May 2013
Hungarian software development is unique, as ITware already proved many times to the world. The company is a regular exhibitor at the MWC in Barcelona and GITEX in Dubai and among other trade shows ITware was present recently at Taitronics in Taiwan as well.
It comes as no surprise that the company goes abroad once again. The destination is CommunicAsia, Asia’s largest telecommunication and information technology exhibition. The eagerly awaited event will take place in Singapore between the 18th and 21st of June. Last year the expo had 35000 visitors and 1200 exhibitors from 48 countries.
At CommunicAsia ITware will present its Kojimori remote gauge monitoring solution, an innovative, cloud based data logging system, which is exceptionally well regarded in Japan, where it’s already used at close to 200 locations. One of its key feature is the ability to make valuable data, collected from different types of measuring devices at different remote locations, accessible both locally as well as on remote servers. The software transfers the temperature, light, sound, oxygen and humidity levels measured by the instruments to a central database, where it is easily accessed and verified.
The two guest stars of the exhibition will be ITware’s MOTIware, a social mobile TV platform enhanced with social functionality and EVENTware, a multimedia program guide app – powered by MOTIware technology. These smart and interactive applications unite the power of mobile TV with social networks and program guides. EVENTware’s ergonomic and highly customizable user interface offers thousands of events at the same time, while it entertains, informs, builds relationships and facilitates everyday use.
For telecommunication companies, ITware will present NG-BOSS, the highly efficient, flexible and intelligent billing system. It covers the end-to-end mobile billing process and with its in-built CRM module creates paper-based and electronic invoices taking into account complex discount logic and flexible pricing plans. As an expert in billing systems – working for companies such as T-Mobile – Itware understands market demands and customer needs.